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Giving at Cornerstone is simple and secure.

Cornerstone was founded upon the God-given vision of reaching people for Christ and seeing lives transformed by His grace. We are only able to fulfill this vision, however, through the generosity of God’s people.

Cornerstone is supported completely through the giving of those who make Cornerstone their church home. Throughout our history, this financial support has allowed us to touch lives, see marriages restored, and witness lives being changed for the better. We wouldn’t be able to do what we were called to do without the contributions that come through our church!

The giving at Cornerstone is used in various ways. We are able to minister in the community, pay the salaries of the pastoral staff, make mortgage and utility payments for our building, and support the work of the Kingdom in several countries overseas.

At Cornerstone, we do not receive the offering in the traditional manner of passing a plate. Instead, an offering box is located at the back of the Worship Centre where people can place their tithes and offerings.

You can also take advantage of giving through Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD). PAD can be set up for the 1st and/or 16th of each month; simply use the form found next to the offering box or request a form by contacting our administrator, Glenda Lush

People are also welcome to give online using PayPal , or or using an E.transfer via

Cornerstone is a financially transparent church. Our treasurer/administrator provides in-depth fiscal reports several times a year to allow donors to track how the finances entrusted to Cornerstone are directed. Thank you for partnering together to fulfill God’s vision for our community.

Thank you for being a part of fulfilling God’s vision for our community.

For the Kingdom

Denn Guptill – Lead Pastor

What does "tithe" mean?

The Bible teaches that a guideline for giving is called the tithe (Leviticus 27:30). That is giving 10% of what we earn back to God.

What does "offering" mean?

An offering is a gift given to a specific need above and beyond our tithe.

What the Bible teaches

* Giving acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have (James 1:17).

* Giving reflects the trust that God will provide for us (Matthew 6:19-24).

* Giving allows us to participate actively in God’s work on earth (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).

Giving at Cornerstone is simple and secure. Whether you’d like to give a single gift or schedule ongoing giving, simply contact our treasurer.